Student Counseling - Kodaikanal International School

Student Counseling

At KIS we believe in holistic development of our students. Their emotional and mental wellbeing is one of our highest priorities. Life in a residential school has bigger dimensions than mere classes and examinations. It includes the social and personal development of the students, aspects that we consider equally significant.

As a school, our ideology is to create maximum avenues of expression and discussion so the students feel heard and acknowledged. We also understand the importance of professional counseling during difficult phases of a growing child’s life. Our professional counseling team provides support during emotional challenges, helps them through transitioning issues, provides them with well-being guidance and any other help that a student may need while feeling upset or confused.  

All our students have access to the school’s personal counseling services. This department works in partnership with both the parents and residence parents to help students achieve their maximum potential.

Student counseling requirements can include a wide spectrum of needs. Here at KIS, student counseling is provided in one on one sessions as well as group sessions, depending on the identified requirements. 

Primarily, personal counseling services at KIS engage with the students to:

  • Help students navigate through individual difficulties.

  • Help them minimize the impact of their concerns, thus helping them re-focus on their own development and goals.

  • Help students understand the value of self-reliance in making right choices in issues that have a bearing on their lives

  • Help KIS students understand the importance of good communication and teach them those skills, in identified circumstances.

  • Help KIS students with social skills, with emphasis on the residential aspects of the school.

In all such instances where students require more specialized counseling, appropriate referrals to specialists are made in consultation with parents.