Safety and Security - Kodaikanal International School

Safety and Security

At KIS we take the safety and security of our school community with utmost seriousness.

KIS is a happy home to our students and the school Safety and Security Department is dedicated to providing a safe environment that is built on trust and enhances the quality of life in our educational community. We take great pride in our vast campus and our multi-level security protocols ensure that our students can enjoy the space without having to think twice about their safety. As an international co-ed boarding school, we aim to create an oasis for our students where safety is ensured without intrusion. All our girl students are all housed on the academic campus.  Highest standards of ethical professional performance are followed while safeguarding our culturally diverse population.

Even though our location gives us the advantage of being one of the safest communities in the country, the KIS Safety and Security Department works round-the-clock on academic and residential campuses ensuring that each member of the school community is safe at all times. Our security policy has been developed putting together fair and consistent procedures and also includes clear standard operating procedures to be followed during emergency situations. 

The KIS Safety and Security Department conducts regular emergency drills to make sure the school community knows the appropriate responses in emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, lockdowns etc. The security and safety staff have been trained to deal with such emergency situations.  

No one is allowed on the KIS properties without proper identification and purpose. KIS Human Resource department conducts thorough background checks before hiring teaching and non-teaching staff. The security staff is assembled and assessed each day, while the school management is briefed on security arrangements on a regular basis. Footage from CCTV cameras that are placed in school campuses are monitored and recorded to prevent any incidents of crime and bullying inside the compounds. KIS has strict policies pertaining to the use of alcohol and drugs. The residence parents are trained to keep a close eye on discipline issues arising inside the residences. 

Ganga campus, where the primary and middle schools are housed, is completely self-contained with classrooms, residences, playing field and a kitchen. This ensures that students till Grade 8 rarely need to exit the school gate. For their outings and visits to other school campuses, students are chaperoned and provided school transportation. High School students have restricted outdoor hours when they can visit some approved areas. 

The KIS dispensary is fully equipped to handle common injuries and illnesses which are handled in-house by a full-time doctor and related medical staff. We are also associated with the local Van Allen Hospital. The school has its own ambulance for medical emergencies.