English as a Second Language (ESL) - Kodaikanal International School

English as a Second Language (ESL)

At KIS, the ESL department works with students from grades 3 to 10. Generally, an ESL student is one who has studied in a language other than English, before joining KIS. However, sometimes there are students who may have studied in English but continue to need extra help and support. ESL students take the Intensive English courses rather than Language Arts. These courses are offered in grades 6 to 10. Being smaller groups with special focus on language rather than literature, they help ESL students attain the mainstream English fluency required in grade 11.

The ESL program is designed with fun language projects and activities to keep students in an active learning environment. In just a few months, students gain confidence to speak and write in English, in spite of it being their second language. Depending on the entry level proficiency and personal motivation, students who have successfully built a strong foundation are mainstreamed into the Language Arts class.

The ESL program runs differently for each academic program offered at KIS.

  • ESL students in the PYP program (grades 3 to 5) are given support in small groups or individually, to develop their language skills.

  • ESL students in the MYP program (grades 6 to 10) take the Intensive English (IE) courses rather than Language Arts. The IE classes being smaller groups focus on language and literature texts alongside the mainstream English classes. The department also teaches students individually when required and helps them with content material in humanities, science, and other subject areas through the ESL (Language B) classes.

  • In IBDP, the English B subject is offered as a Second Language course for students who choose to do other languages as Language A.

ESL department works with both, a formal structure and flexibility. Students are encouraged to come in whenever they need help, whether academic or social. The department keeps in touch with the ESL students and their teachers to make sure that everything possible is being done to make the ESL students feel successful and supported. The department is here to help as we know studying through a new language medium is not easy.