Pooja says, "The school provides the required surroundings and interactions to develop my children into full-rounded human beings. I see my children having more interactions and particularly appreciate the approachability of the teachers."
KIS parents are key members of the KIS family and community. Sharing the perspectives and views of parents allows the teachers and school administration to receive consistent feedback and ideas.
“One of the greatest gifts that parents can give their children is education. It is their preparation for the future and the key to success. You have given your children the gift of KIS. We are a school that has much strength because we encourage and develop a sense of belonging and a sense of family. I think our students enjoy numerous advantages at KIS, but perhaps more important than any is the support they receive from staff, parents, alumni and friends of the school.”
Corey Stixrud, Principal
What Parents are Saying
Christiaan says, "It was our daughter who found Kodai and wanted to attend. She feels like she is heard, appreciated and her opinion is valued. It's not just the IB curriculum, but it offers the Arts, choir, voice trainings, etc. The teachers are committed to teaching the subject so that each child can understand. A big part of studying at KIS is that the kids are on campus and understand the values of the community over just the individual values."
Ajay shares what the Kodai experience is all about from an Alumni perspective and now as a parent: "Kodai transforms you. KIS allows you to blossom and supports you in the journey of discovery. There are now hundreds of international schools, but the uniqueness of Kodai is very apparent. KIS has stayed true to what it has been through the years to produce fine people, who are ready for the world."
KIS Parent Week
Parent Week at KIS is held every year during the first semester. During Parent Week, there will be normal classes for students running during the day and activities for parents scheduled during the day and evenings. There will be an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and visit classes in session, by appointment.
Parent Week is for parents of current students and potential new students who would like to take part in the KIS experience with their children. KIS will be hosting a variety of activities in drama, music, and the arts as well as sports and hiking. Parent Week is also an ideal opportunity to meet other parents of the school.
Click here to see the program and watch recordings of our Parent Week 2021.