Piano Teacher
Kodaikanal International School is a 120-year-old dynamic international school with a rich history of holistic education, offering the IB continuum of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP) to our learners. Our beautiful school and community are nestled in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, South India.
At KIS, we empower our students to navigate through life’s challenges to achieve their true potential. We follow an inquiry-based approach that promotes critical thinking, learner agency and a dedication to serving others. We recognize the importance of a meaningful, relevant and engaging curriculum that connects students to real-world contexts for their learning. We are keenly aware of the need to adapt our teaching and learning model to respond to the needs of our students in a world of fast-paced change.
This position is a full-time role and it involves teaching Piano at the High School level within an American curricular framework that is fully integrated with IB Middle Years and Diploma Programs. In addition, the teacher will be responsible for a student group in our Homeroom advisory programme. All members of the KIS professional community are expected to fully support residential life in a boarding environment.
About Kodaikanal International School
KIS Vision Statement: We strive to be a school the world needs: Our graduates will be transformative leaders, caring humans and thoughtful ambassadors for a just, sustainable and peaceful world.
KIS Mission Statement: Kodaikanal International School (KIS) is committed to empowering young people from diverse backgrounds with vision, knowledge, compassion and cross-cultural understanding. We are a community that welcomes everyone and seeks our purpose in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
KIS Values: Accountability, Appreciation, Concern for Others, Consistency, Context, Cooperation, Integrity, Openness, Performance, and Reverence.
We are seeking colleagues who are driven by:
- a strong belief in KIS’s guiding principles;
- the IB philosophy;
- service and action;
- a focus on trust, relationships and community.
Our learning environment is characterized as:
- inquiry-based learning;
- fostering agency in our learners;
- transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary;
- service-oriented;
- diverse, safe and inclusive.
Safeguarding Statement
KIS is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people in our care. We support the rights of the child and will act without hesitation to ensure a child-safe environment. We also support the rights and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a secure environment for all participants. Teachers at KIS must follow the guidelines of the school’s protective behavior policies and protocols, including reporting any situation that might constitute a health and/or safety hazard to students or school employees.
Qualifications & Experiences
Required Qualifications:
A teacher of MYP and DP Piano (ABRSM) should have:
- A Secondary license or certification for teaching Piano or a relevant equivalent
- At least a Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, in Piano or its pedagogy
- At least three years of full time classroom experience teaching Piano in an accredited school
- International Baccalaureate Experience
Preferred Qualifications:
An advanced degree - Masters, PGCE or equivalent
IB Piano training
Recent and relevant professional development in teaching and learning
Preferred Experiences:
- Successful experience teaching MYP and/or DP Piano
- Proven commitment to participate in and establish collaborative structure
- Experience utilizing data to make informed instructional decisions
- Experience utilising technology tools to enhance student learning
- Understand the developmental characteristics, differences in learning styles and intelligences and adapt lesson planning and teaching appropriately
Preferred Skills and Dispositions:
- Deep understanding of inquiry-based learning
- Ability to provide differentiated instruction for students with varying levels of ability
- Proven ability to work successfully in a diverse and inclusive environment
- Ability to communicate effectively with students, parents, teachers and others
- Understanding and awareness of the challenges faced by learners in a multicultural environment
- Dedication to student learning
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Strong organizational skills
- Team player with ability to delegate and coordinate work
- Willing to work creatively with available materials/ resources
- Able to create and teach interdisciplinary lessons
- Capacity to support the goals and mission of KIS through his/her personal philosophy
Reports to: Academic Vice Principal
Coordinates with: MYP/DP Coordinators, departmental leaders and colleagues, secondary teachers.
Time Period: : Initial 2-year contract, potential extensions after initial contract
Teaching and Learning Responsibilities
A KIS teacher is expected to provide quality instruction for the students at KIS in accordance with the school’s established curriculum, school policies and expectations. A KIS teacher:
- Actively realizes the full potential of each student and promotes ideals of excellence in their learning
- Establishes a well-managed, psychologically-safe learning environment where active, individual learning and progress for all students is the norm
- Collaboratively develops unit plans by employing a backwards planning model that utilizes the identified scope and sequence, content standards, and the relevant MYP or DP course guides
- Utilizes data from varied sources (diagnostic, formative, summative, standardised, etc) to inform instruction and develop learning opportunities that meet students needs as described in the KIS Inclusion Policy
- Provides timely feedback to students that is actionable and relevant to their learning as described in the KIS Assessment Policy
- Effectively embeds intentional learning experiences focused on developing a student’s approach to their learning and offers ongoing reflective opportunities for our students
- Nurtures a learning environment steeped in integrity as described in our Academic Integrity Policy
- Engages with colleagues collaboratively in co-planning, co-assessing, collaborative meetings, reflecting on student data and reflecting on one’s own teaching practices
- Monitors, advises and assists in the pastoral care of students
- Develops professional practice by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; and participating in professional societies
- Upholds the school and IB philosophy as described in the KIS mission, vision, policies, and the staff handbook
- Teach up to 75% out of total instructional periods in a 6-day cycle
School Organization
- Support, promote and enforce the ethos of KIS as defined in the Mission Statement, Guiding Principles and strategic plans
- Promotes a positive attitude about the school with all members of the school community
- Implement decisions made in department and school committee meetings, as relevant to the department
- Follow the guidelines of the school’s protective behaviour policies and protocols and personal data protection policies and procedures, including reporting any situation that might constitute a health and/or safety hazard to students or school employees, and reporting any personal data breach
- To respect the confidential nature of discussions at staff meetings and other contexts in which sensitive information is likely to be communicated – particularly in terms of interaction with students
- The teacher is expected to perform other appropriate duties as assigned by the subject chair, coordinator, Vice Principal, or Principal
A KIS teacher is expected to work in a positive, professional, supportive manner and develop a collaborative and team approach to enable the school to achieve its stated mission, vision, values, and strategic goals
School Community
A KIS teacher is expected to support the holistic development of the child. The teacher:
- Understands and supports the diversity of the school community and students’ backgrounds
- Works in a positive, cooperative and supportive way with students, parents, co-workers and other stakeholders
- Communicates regularly with students, residential parents and students’ parents on matters of school business
- Engages in and supports activities that help promote school spirit and sense of community
- Promotes opportunities for developing community involvement throughout the wider community
- Recognizes the importance of service learning to our community and promotes this with students and the wider community
- Support residential life of the school by chaperoning activities, clubs, field trips, camp, long weekend field day etc., and being advisor to a group of students
- Support, promote and enforce the ethos of KIS as defined in the Mission Statement, Guiding Principles and strategic plans
- Promotes a positive attitude about the school with all members of the school community
- Implement decisions made in department and school committee meetings, as relevant to the department
- Follow the guidelines of the school’s protective behaviour policies and protocols and personal data protection policies and procedures, including reporting any situation that might constitute a health and/or safety hazard to students or school employees, and reporting any personal data breach
- To respect the confidential nature of discussions at staff meetings and other contexts in which sensitive information is likely to be communicated – particularly in terms of interaction with students
- The teacher is expected to perform other appropriate duties as assigned by the subject chair, coordinator, Vice Principal, or Principal
Application Process:
- Download Application Form >> KIS Academic Position Application Form
- Fill-in the required information
- Use the form below to submit your application along with your resume
Please note that applications that do not include the application form and a resume will not be considered.